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Programme Overview

Detailed Programme

TMS 2022 programme - Day 1
TMS 2022 programme - Day 1
TMS 2022 programme - Day 2
TMS 2022 programme - Day 2
TMS 2022 programme - poster session
TMS 2022 programme - poster session
TMS 2022 programme - hybrid poster session
TMS 2022 programme - hybrid poster session

Keynote Speakers


Pre-Conference Workshops

Workshop 1:
Modern planktonic foraminifera species identification and taxonomic

(Julie Meilland, Michal Kucera and Geert-Jan Brummer)

During this workshop we will discuss recent changes in the taxonomy of extant planktonic foraminifera and describe various features to easily identify them. We will work with reference slides to give you the opportunity to see shells from all modern species. We also invite you to
bring your own slides – especially the one containing difficult cases – to review them together. The length of the workshop (half day or full day) will be decided based on the number of participants.

Time: 13.30 - 17.45

Place: MARUM, room 2070

Workshop 2:
PAM Fluorometry: Photosynthesis under global change

(Christiane Schmidt)

In this 3.5-hour workshop, you will learn how to apply Imaging Flourescence techniques (Pam Fluorometer) on measuring photosynthesis in the foraminifera-microalgae system. A 40 min lecture about basis of
photosynthesis measurements on marine holobionts and their applicability for global change research will be mixed with practical sessions, which allow you to learn measurements on your own (Fv/Fm, rapid light curve), and data analysis with PAM fluorometry software (Walz Germany).

Time: 13.30 - 17.00

Place: MARUM, room 3030

Workshop 3:
Data analysis with R

(Phil Jardine and Chloe Walker-Trivett)

This workshop will introduce R and some common palaeocological analysis techniques. R code and some example datasets will be provided, and there will be time for participants to work on their own data. Note that participants will need to bring their own laptops to take part in this workshop.

Time: 09.00 - 17.00

Place: MARUM, room 0190

Workshop 4 - for early-career researchers:
Know your options and find the career path that matches your skills

(Gaby Schilling, see also trainer profile)
In the first part of the workshop the young scientists will get an overview of career options for life and natural scientists available in academic research, scientific or industrial research and the variety of opportunities beyond that. The workshop will describe careers within the public sector, in the private industry and in NGOs.
The participants will understand that in other work environments the assessment for suitability of a candidate does not solely depend on his or her education and formal qualification. Personality aspects and the ability to interact with others play an important role. The participants will learn what employers in various fields of work expect from future employees at a personal level.
In the second part, the participants will reflect upon their own personality and motivation helping them to make career choices. Practical exercises comprise self-reflection and establishing an own profile as well as decoding job descriptions.

  • Reflect on own competences and personal strengths
  • Get to know other work environments apart from academic research
  • Develop an understanding of the requirements of different jobs
  • Reflect on values, motivators and personal working styles
  • Develop an individual strategy/action plan for the next career steps

Time: 09.00 - 17.00

Place: MARUM, room 2060

Ice Breaker

Reception with food and drinks in the entrance hall of the MARUM main building on 9 November 2022 from 18.00 hrs.

MARUM entrance hall
MARUM entrance hall

Conference dinner

For logistical reasons and with respect to the number of participants, the conference dinner on 10 November 2022 will be held in the historical “Bremer Ratskeller”.

The “Bremer Ratskeller” has been a renowned place of gastronomie and events in the heart of Bremen since 1405. Built around a tradition of wine trading
since the 14th century, Bremen has developed into a secret wine metropolis. When the town hall was built, in 1405, the “Stadweinkeller” moved into its vaults where you will have the chance to degust dinner in
the “Hauff Hall”... with all drinks covered.

The Hauff Hall was originally designed as a wine storehouse and named in the 19th century in honour of the writer Wilhelm Hauff, who wrote his well-known novella "Phantasien um Bremer Ratskeller - ein Herbstgeschenk für Freunde des Weines" (Fantasies about Bremen's Ratskeller - an autumn gift for wine lovers) after visiting Bremen's Ratskeller in 1826. In 1927, the walls of the hall were decorated with four large-format fresco paintings by Max Slevogt in reference to this work.
Get a glimpse of the location: Bremer Ratskeller