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  • Please wear an FFP2 mask while using public transport. In Germany, wearing a medical mask on trains, trams and buses is still required by law.
  • In the conference room, wearing of a medical mask is mandatory. An FFP2 facial mask will be provided to you at the registration desk.
  • Furthermore, we would like to urge you to carry out a daily self-test (quick test) before the start of the event. A rapid antigen self-test will also be provided at the registration desk. Results will not be checked as we count on your sense of responsibility.
  • Please keep an appropriate distance to other persons, as far as this is possible.
  • Please cough or sneeze into your elbow or into a tissue.
  • Please refrain from shaking hands to the greatest extent possible.

Individuals who test positive for coronavirus by rapid
test or PCR test are still required by authorities to immediately seek isolation.

In the interest of all attendees, if you experience symptoms of a Covid 19 infection or flu-like symptoms prior to the event, please do not attend the

If you test positive / experience a Covid 19 infection during the event, the conference office will be available to answer your questions.

Covid measures installed by both host institutions, i.e. the University of Bremen and the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology apply during the conference.

In case of Covid restrictions, the participation fee will be reimbursed back to the level of online attendance.