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TMS 2022

Trainer of the ECR workshop "Know your op­tions and find the ca­reer path that matches your skills"

Dr. Gaby Schilling

Gaby Schilling studied Chemistry and did her doctoral studies in solid state chemistry.

For more than 17 years she held various leading positions in an internationally operating DAX 30 company in Germany and the US and was heading teams of experts and managers in research, product development and product safety. She has thus gained profound first-hand experience in all phases of collaboration with employees – from recruitment over career development and promotion to change of career.

Qualifications to business coach and team coach complement her practical experience. Since 2012 Gaby Shilling has been working as coach and consultant for natural scientists in leadership positions. She also runs workshops and trains groups whereby the main focus is on the transition from science into industry and taking over leadership tasks.

see also

portrait of Gaby Schilling
Dr. Gaby Schilling