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Once Upon a Time... Scientific short stories

YangYang Liu

I am a PhD stu­dent at AWI and at the Department of Biology and Chemistry - FB2 at the University of Bremen. My re­se­arch area is oce­an op­tics. Du­ring my ear­lier ye­ars of studying in China, I focused on the optical properties of phytoplankton and colored dissolved organic matter in Chinese coastal ocean. They are the ba­sis of re­mo­te de­tec­tion and pre­dic­tion of ma­ri­ne chlo­ro­phyll-a con­cen­tra­ti­on, phy­to­plank­ton com­mu­ni­ty struc­tu­re and dis­sol­ved or­ga­nic car­bon. My PhD project focuses on as­ses­sing the im­pact of cli­ma­te chan­ge on phy­to­plank­ton in the Fram Strait. Cur­rent­ly I've been dedicated to generate high re­sol­ved chlo­ro­phyll-a con­cen­tra­ti­on da­ta­set for the Fram Strait from situ op­ti­cal sen­sors – such as the absorption at­te­nua­ti­on spec­tra me­ter (AC-S), ship ba­sed chlo­ro­phyll-fluorimeter of fer­ry box and au­to­no­mous un­der­wa­ter ve­hi­cles (AUV) – with the com­bi­na­ti­on of data from oce­an color sa­tel­li­te sen­sors - such as MO­DIS-Aqua, MO­DIS-VI­IRS and pro­bab­ly the new laun­ched OLCI.

To be in­vol­ved into the sci­ence com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on pro­ject is mea­ningful. For ye­ars I have no­ti­ced the specialization of each ma­ri­ne re­se­arch area, which made it dif­fi­cult for “ex­perts in ocea­no­gra­phy” to un­der­stand each stu­dy area, not to mention the difficulties for the public. And the­re is a gre­at lack of pie­ces of work writ­ten in un­der­stan­da­ble lan­gua­ge for an “outs­ide” per­son. For a long time I've been hoping to have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to wri­te and be trai­ned to wri­te some un­der­stan­da­ble sto­ries re­la­ted to ma­ri­ne sci­ence both in my mo­ther lan­gua­ge Chinese as well as in English. This project fits perfectly with my motivation.
