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Once Upon a Time... Scientific short stories


Illustration: D. Tangunan & J. Nogot

The aim of this project is to communicate science through short stories in order to encourage the dialogue between scientists and the public. We are a group of international researchers from different institutions, mainly in Bremen, but cooperating with various scientists, writers, artists in Germany and internationally. We as scientists write short stories dealing with the topics of our field of research: the marine realm, climate change, the importance of the seas and oceans and how humans can discover, utilize and protect them. Our target group are children as well as adults from all over the world. A first set of stories is free to download in German, English and Spanish as an ebook. The first book was completed in the framework of the “Science Year 2016/17: Seas and Oceans” (Wissenschaftsjahr 2016/17: Meere und Ozeane) thanks to the funding of the initiative Science in Dialog (Wissenschaft im Dialog) and the German Ministry of Education and Science (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF) through the competition “Show your research!” (Hochschulwettbewerb – Zeigt eure Forschung!). The project was one of the three winners of the competition! We are continuing with the project even after the competition, more excited and engaged than ever. At the moment we are busy translating the book into other languages, so please keep visiting our website not to miss the latest updates. We are also working on a second book with more stories to tell and more science to share! We aim to release it at the beginning of 2019. Some of our time is devoted to search for funding opportunities in order to fully develop the project in a longer term. If you have an idea in this regard, feel free to contact us!