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Once Upon a Time... Scientific short stories

Lara Jacobi

My name is Lara and I study Marine Geosciences as a Master student at the University of Bremen. Currently, I am writing my Master thesis about stable isotope compositions of foraminifera from the North Atlantic. Oceans are a key component of the climate system and home for plankton like foraminifera. The shell composition of these organisms (e.g. stable isotope composition) depends on climate related parameters such as temperature. Therefore, foraminifera are often used to study climate variations. In my project, I investigate the influences of water conditions on the shell composition of foraminifera in order to support future climate change investigations based on data gained from these organisms.

I am really excited to be part of the scientific community and I am always happy to share my knowledge about research topics like climate change with others. While working on an earlier public relations project, I noticed how much interest there is for ocean and climate science within the public. Yet, only if it is communicated in an adequate way people are able to understand our science. It is important to also include kids in projects of science communication. They are always curious to learn more about the world around them and will be the ones that have to deal with the consequences of our changing environment. By reading the exciting “Once upon a time” stories they will learn about our planet, the oceans and the impact, that humans can have on these systems. This way I hope that we will promote the kids’ and their parents’ awareness for the environment.
