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Once Upon a Time... Scientific short stories

Iván Hernández-Almeida

I’m Iván Hernández-Almeida. I’m from Spain and I work as a postdoctoral researcher at MARUM - University of Bremen. I stu­dy ma­ri­ne se­di­ments to re­con­struct past cli­ma­te and oce­an chan­ges at dif­fe­rent time-sca­les. I main­ly use ma­ri­ne mi­cro­fos­sils of plank­to­nic or­ga­nisms to stu­dy the chan­ges in spe­cies com­po­si­ti­on through time as re­s­pon­se to the shifts in oce­an and cli­ma­te. Otherwise I like ou­t­reach and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on of cli­ma­te sci­en­ces. I am very in­te­rested in fin­ding ef­fec­tive ways of com­mu­ni­ca­ting sci­ence, and in par­ti­cu­lar the ge­ne­ral per­cep­ti­on about cli­ma­te chan­ge and how it should be pre­sen­ted to non-aca­de­mic pu­blic. I be­lie­ve that edu­ca­ti­on and awa­ren­ess-rai­sing through sci­ence com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on play an es­sen­ti­al role in in­cre­a­sing the cli­ma­te chan­ge ad­ap­ta­ti­on and miti­ga­ti­on ca­pa­ci­ties of hu­man so­cie­ties. (I believe that education and awareness-raising through science communication play an essential role in increasing the adaptation to climate change and mitigation capacities of human societies.)

Here you find an excerpt of my story "The plastic island".
