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Once Upon a Time... Scientific short stories

Eunmi Park

My name is Eunmi Park, I’m from South Korea. I'm doing my PhD at Alfred-Wegener-Institute in Bremerhaven and in cooperation with the University of Bremen, Germany.

My PhD pro­ject is fo­cu­sing on sea surface temperature pro­xy ´TEX86´ in sin­king par­ti­cles from the equa­to­ri­al to the po­lar At­lan­tic Oce­an. Alt­hough this li­pid bio­mar­ker has been wi­de­ly ap­p­lied to pa­leo cli­ma­te stu­dies, the­re is still con­siderable un­cer­tain­ty. To bet­ter un­der­stand of the TEX86 si­gnal in the oce­an, I stu­dy how TEX86 is chan­ged de­pen­ding on their ecological settings.

I used to work for Ko­rea Ma­ri­ne En­vi­ron­ment Ma­nage­ment Corporation as a researcher before I came to Germany. For the com­pa­ny, sharing our know­ledge with the pu­blic, es­pe­cial­ly child­ren, was one of the most im­portant tasks and I rea­li­zed the im­port­an­ce of sci­ence com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on.

I am cer­tain that our ("Once Upon a Time") pro­ject will help peop­le to bet­ter understand our ocean (environment) and this will lead them to a better way of thinking about the world around us.
