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Once Upon a Time... Scientific short stories

Christiane Schmidt

I work in MARUM as a post-doc. In my project I’m studying the adaptability of small marine calcifiers (foraminifera) to global climate change. Benthic foraminifera are important calcium carbonate producers in coastal ecosystems. They stabilize shorelines and secure ecosystem services. I work in naturally extremely warm ecosystems – such as the Persian Gulf – and man-made thermally polluted areas in the Mediterranean. In both local regions temperatures rise to over 35°C in summer. Under these conditions, most organisms living in symbiosis with microalgae lose their algae. This process is called bleaching. In my work I try to find answers on why particular foraminifera can withstand these extremes. As a geo-ecologist by training I use a combination of eco-physiological methods and molecular genetic fingerprinting to understand the fate of foraminifera in the future ocean.

My motivation for doing science and communication is that I find it fun and rewarding to change my perspective through being involved in other projects than research. Furthermore, I gain a greater and more interdisciplinary view on my research hypothesis. I feel a deep urge to communicate novel scientific findings to the world. Most scientists are funded by public sources and hence it makes common sense to do so. By contributing my time for this international book project I hope to raise awareness for the beauty of Mother Nature and its need for conservation.
