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AG Micropaleontology - Paleoceanography

Sediment laboratory

The working group Micropaleontology maintains together with the working group Paleoceanography (Pälike) laboratories for all stages of sediment sample processing, from core subsampling to micropaleontological analysis.

Within the laboratories, we have a cold storage room (room 1650), where whole sediment core sections can be stored. A range of sieves of different sizes and mesh diameter is available for both wet and dry sieving. Drying of samples can be performed in a freeze dryer or standard drying cabinet. Several high precision weighing scales allow for accurate weighing of samples throughout the entire process.

For further analysis the samples can be investigated in our microscopy laboratory.

Sediment sieves, dyring cabinet, freeze dryer, ultra sonic bath and probe, vacuum filtration system, high precision scales, cold storage room (+4 C°), sample storage (-20 and -80 °C)

Rooms Phone
UFT 1670 63434
UFT 1690 63425
UFT 1770 63436
UFT 1650

If you are interested in processing samples in our laboratories, please contact any of the persons below

Birgit Lübben


+49 421 218-65977



Marum II Raum 1040

A sediment core section is being subsampled

Freeze-drying of sediment samples

Washing of a sediment sample