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AG Micropaleontology - Paleoceanography

Microscopy laboratory

In our microscopy laboratory offers three different systems for microphotographic imaging of foraminifera and other microfossils. A Zeiss V8 stereomicroscope with both transmitted and reflected light and smooth magnification control is perfectly suited to most applications. Observations of smaller objects under transmitted light are carried out with a Zeiss PrimoVert inverse microscope equipped with 2x to 40x objectives and phase contrast filters. Observation chambers allow high-quality, distortion free photography of wet samples. Both microscope systems are equipped with a Canon EOS 600D camera that capture high-resolution images and store them directly on the connected computer.

Latest addition to our laboratory is a Keyence VHX 6000 digital microscope, offering new, expanded capabilities. Focus stacked imaging allows the capture of high quality images with an extended depth of field as well the measurement of elevation data (2.5D data). The motorised stage faciliates the automated capture of large mosaic images of sample slides, which dramatically decreases the workload of imaging multiple specimens.

Main equipment:
Digitalmicroscope with motorised stage (Keyence), stereomicroscopes (Zeiss), inverse microscope (Zeiss), DSLR cameras (Canon)

Room Phone
UFT 1645 63433

If you are interested in taking photographs or measuring your samples in our laboratory, please contact any of the persons below

Birgit Lübben


+49 421 218-65977



Marum II Raum 1040


The Keyence VHX 6000.


A focus stacked iamge of several planktic foraminifera of the species N. dutertrei (top) along with the co-registered elevation data (bottom).


A focus stacked HDR image of a benthic foraminifera of approximately 400 µm diameter.