Rendered image of the MARUM-MeBo70 landing on the seafloor of the Amundsen Sea. Graphics: MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; M. Künsting
Rendered image of the MARUM-MeBo70 landing on the seafloor of the Amundsen Sea. Graphics: MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; M. Künsting

The dawn of the Antarctic ice sheets

For the first time, the recovery of unique geological samples combined with sophisticated modelling provides surprising insights into when and where ...

The Ocean Floor Symposium 2024 kicked off on Monday with the Icebreaker. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; V. Diekamp
The Ocean Floor Symposium 2024 kicked off on Monday with the Icebreaker. Photo: MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; V. Diekamp

Experts look into the past

Ocean Floor Symposium 2024: "Scenarios for Warmer Worlds: Lessons from the Past"

What insights can we derive from past climate states for the future? This question will be addressed by participants at a symposium at MARUM – Center for ...

Group photo of MARUM researchers attending the European Geosciences Union conference in Vienna from Monday to Friday. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; U. Prange
Group photo of MARUM researchers attending the European Geosciences Union conference in Vienna from Monday to Friday. Photo: MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; U. Prange

MARUM research at the EGU 2024

Climate variability, carbon storage, paleoclimate research and diversity in the geosciences – researchers from MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental ...

The IODP drillship JOIDES Resolution (Photo: Bill Crawford, International Ocean Discovery Program)
The IODP drillship JOIDES Resolution (Photo: Bill Crawford, International Ocean Discovery Program)

Evolution of the most powerful ocean current on Earth

Ocean sediment cores reveal climate-related fluctuations in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in past epochs

The Antarctic Circumpolar Current plays an important part in global overturning circulation, the exchange of heat and CO2 between the ocean and atmosphere, ...

The participants of the Status Conference Research Vessels 2024 at the University of Bremen. Photo: MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; V. Diekamp
The participants of the Status Conference Research Vessels 2024 at the University of Bremen. Photo: MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; V. Diekamp

Spotlight on Over 100 Expeditions at the University of Bremen: Marine Researchers Marine researchers meet to discuss research expeditions

From March 5 to 6, the University of Bremen will host the Status Conference Research Vessels. In 80 lectures from 108 trips, scientists will present the ...

After a discussion round, there was a lively exchange with the guests in the audience. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; V.Diekamp
After a discussion round, there was a lively exchange with the guests in the audience. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; V.Diekamp

"MARUM im Dialog" successfully launched

The new event format „Blickpunkt Meer – MARUM im Dialog“  ("Focus on the Sea - MARUM in Dialogue") has now been successfully launched with an event on the ...

Theater in Pompeii. In its heyday, the Roman Empire was one of the most densely populated regions. Photo: MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; K. Zonneveld
Theater in Pompeii. In its heyday, the Roman Empire was one of the most densely populated regions. Photo: MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; K. Zonneveld

Did climate change trigger pandemics in antiquity?

Samples from the ocean floor provide the first high-resolution regional climate record and prove a link to pandemics

Is there a link between climate change and pandemics? In a recently published study, researchers from MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences and ...

During IODP Expedition 389 scientists are onboard the multipurpose vessel MMA VALOUR. Photo: MMA Offshore
During IODP Expedition 389 scientists are onboard the multipurpose vessel MMA VALOUR. Photo: MMA Offshore

Fossil coral reefs as a window into the past and future

Start of an international expedition off the coast of Hawai’i

A look back at environmental change throughout geologic history can tell us a lot about the future – especially when it comes to globally and societally ...

As part of its research, MARUM deploys submersible vehicles to take samples of the ocean floor. This is the MARUM-QUEST diving in the Atlantic. Photo: MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Research, University of Bremen.
As part of its research, MARUM deploys submersible vehicles to take samples of the ocean floor. This is the MARUM-QUEST diving in the Atlantic. Photo: MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Research, University of Bremen.

Life on the Ocean Floor

New interactive exhibition “3,688 Meters Below Sea Level” in the House of Science

The diverse impacts of the climate crisis pose global challenges that present marine researchers with new tasks of immense societal importance. The ocean ...


Logbuch MSM116

MARIA S. MERIAN on course for the Rio Grande Rise

The German research vessel MARIA S. MERIAN will set sail from Montevideo, Uruguay, on April 3, 2023, ...

Altered ocean circulation in the Indian Ocean could lead to more and stronger flood events in the eastern part of the Indian Ocean and drought and dry periods in the western part of the Indian Ocean. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences
Altered ocean circulation in the Indian Ocean could lead to more and stronger flood events in the eastern part of the Indian Ocean and drought and dry periods in the western part of the Indian Ocean. Photo: MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; M. Mohtadi

Changing ocean circulation intensifies extreme events in the Indian Ocean

Dry regions experience more drought events, wet regions more precipitation: In a new study, researchers from the U.S., Germany and China have investigated ...

For the study, the team used data collected by the IODP drilling program and its predecessors over more than 50 years. For this, marine sediments from 81 sites were analyzed to calculate organic carbon deposition rates. Graphic: Mark Torres, Rice Universi
For the study, the team used data collected by the IODP drilling program and its predecessors over more than 50 years. For this, marine sediments from 81 sites were analyzed to calculate organic carbon deposition rates. Graphic: Mark Torres, Rice University

New method helps understand the global organic carbon cycle

Researchers from the USA, the UK and Bremen have used a new method to calculate the rate at which organic carbon was sequestered in marine sediments during ...

It is not only directly on the water, as here on Hudson Bay, that the ocean influences. A new study shows that in addition to man-made global warming, regional variations are also to be expected. Photo: Ulrike Herzschuh
It is not only directly on the water, as here on Hudson Bay, that the ocean influences. A new study shows that in addition to man-made global warming, regional variations are also to be expected. Photo: Ulrike Herzschuh
Nov 3, 2022

How the ocean affects climate on land

For the first time, researchers have drawn a map showing how much regional temperature has fluctuated over the past 8000 years

Climate on land appears to be much more variable than currently simulated in climate models. The reason for this is the oceanic influence, which shapes the ...

The research vessel MARIA S. MERIAN in the port of Reykjavik. The MARUM expedition now starting will go to Baffin Bay. Photo: MARUM, Uni Bremen; V. Diekamp
The research vessel MARIA S. MERIAN in the port of Reykjavik. The MARUM expedition now starting will go to Baffin Bay. Photo: MARUM, Uni Bremen; V. Diekamp
Sep 2, 2022

MARIA S. MERIAN on course for Baffin Bay

The research vessel MARIA S. MERIAN sets sail on September 2. Her destination on expedition MSM 111 is the Baffin Bay, located between Greenland and ...

On Wednesday evening, the so-called Icebreaker took place in the MARUM foyer, where participants exchanged ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. Photo: MARUM/Prange
On Wednesday evening, the so-called Icebreaker took place in the MARUM foyer, where participants exchanged ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. Photo: MARUM/Prange
Nov 9, 2022

Annual Meeting of the TMS at MARUM

MARUM will host the annual meeting of the Micropaleontological Society (TMS) between November 9 and 11. The venue is MARUM - Center for Marine ...

Eine neue Studie über die Küsten der Bahamas könnte die Schätzungen der Meeresspiegelhöhe der Vergangenheit verändern. Hier untersuchen einige der Autoren Küstenfelsen auf der Inselgruppe Crooked Island, die entstanden, als der Meeresspiegel höher als heu
Eine neue Studie über die Küsten der Bahamas könnte die Schätzungen der Meeresspiegelhöhe der Vergangenheit verändern. Hier untersuchen einige der Autoren Küstenfelsen auf der Inselgruppe Crooked Island, die entstanden, als der Meeresspiegel höher als heute war. Foto: Blake Dyer

Neue Studie zu sich ändernden Meeresspiegelwerten

Forschende rekonstruieren die Meeresspiegel der Vergangenheit. Dafür untersuchen sie fossile Meeressedimente und Korallenriffe. Ihr Ziel ist es her...

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Entnahme von Kernsedimenten vom Meeresboden für mikroskopische Untersuchungen. Da die zu untersuchenden Organismen sehr klein sind, reicht für diese Art der Analyse meist eine Probe aus, die mit dem Zahnstocher genommen wird. Foto: Nina Rooks Cast
Entnahme von Kernsedimenten vom Meeresboden für mikroskopische Untersuchungen. Da die zu untersuchenden Organismen sehr klein sind, reicht für diese Art der Analyse meist eine Probe aus, die mit dem Zahnstocher genommen wird. Foto: Nina Rooks Cast

Phytoplankton trägt zur CO2-Verringerung bei

Eine Studie von Meeressedimenten aus dem Indischen Ozean unterstreicht die Schlüsselrolle des marinen Phytoplanktons im globalen Kohlenstoffkreisla...

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Das deutsche Forschungsschiff Polarstern bei schwerer See in der Drake Passage. Foto: Alfred-Wegener-Institut / Thomas Ronge
Das deutsche Forschungsschiff Polarstern bei schwerer See in der Drake Passage. Foto: Alfred-Wegener-Institut / Thomas Ronge

Zirkumpolarstrom fließt in Warmphasen schneller

Die weltweit größte Ozeanströmung um die Antarktis bestimmt den Transport von Wärme, Salz und Nährstoffen im Weltozean entscheidend mit. Ein intern...

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