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The objectives described in Research Units RECEIVER, REACTOR and RECORDER are closely linked to innovative developments in the existing fleet of seagoing systems working in the water column, at the sediment-water interface, and within the ocean floor. Science-driven improvements and new developments in marine robotic systems, particularly in their payloads, focus on

  • systems to measure and sample particles throughout the water column (most important in RECEIVER),
  • enhancement of MeBo seafloor drill-rig capabilities (main focus in RECEIVER and REACTOR),
  • remotely operated vehicle (ROV) real-time 3D environmental mapping (main focus in RECEIVER and REACTOR), and
  • implementation of in-situ mass spectrometry (REACTOR, jointly with Enabler TRACERS).

These developments encompass significant key technological advancements to achieve the overarching objectives of the Cluster. The close interaction between ocean-floor research and the development and use of sophisticated technology will provide an excellent environment for training a new generation of marine scientists.

In more detail, our work in TECHNOLOGY can be split into four tasks.

Task 1. Particle sampling and tracking. This will be achieved by improving the Bio-Optical Platform, develop a miniaturized particle camera and particle sampler, the latter being implemented into a deep-sea glider.

Task 2. Upgrade of seafloor drilling devices and borehole observatories. Here we focus on multiplying our fleet of MeBo observatories and the adaptation of additional downhole-logging tools (X-Ray fluorescence based density probe and ultrasonic caliper tool) and a CPT (cone penetration testing) device.

Task 3. Improvement of seafloor mapping including AUV / ROV-based navigation and planning. Together with our staff our goal is to refine seafloor mapping from large scale to high resolution. Amongst others, photographic 2D area mapping is planned to combine with structural3D information for high-resolution micro-bathymetry models in near-real time.

Task 4. Development and integration of ROV payload. In collaboration with international partners we acquire, implement, and develop analytical tools and sampling devices for challenging in-situ deep-sea ROV work. Examples include a mass spectrometer for high resolution gas analysis (e.g. H2, CH4, CO2, O2, He) at seeps and vents and a new gas-tight isobaric sampler for collection of hydrothermal fluids are examples for such sophisticated payloads.