
Enabler TRACERS: 2021 Call for Innovation Grants for projects that advance the analytical capabilities within the Cluster in the area of molecular and isotopic tracers

The TRACERS Enabler aims to foster continuous innovation through science-driven research grants (typically < 20 k€) for the establishment of new and/or advancement of existing analytical protocols or routines for management of molecular-isotopic data. We invite proposals that expand the analytical capabilities of the cluster in the area of molecular and isotopic tracers.

The funds can be used for:

  • chemicals and other supplies,
  • student assistants,
  • small instrumentation, including the development of instruments or parts thereof
  • support of collaborations that seek to transfer new methodologies to the cluster (travel and accommodation, outgoing and incoming)

Not funded will be personnel costs other than student assistants.

The proposal should not exceed 5 pages in length (plus references) and provide a brief overview of the state of the art, the scientific motivation and statement regarding the relevance to the cluster and how this innovation project would advance existing capabilities, a work plan, a budget incl. justification and an abstract.

Awards will be made once a year; each year we expect to be able to make 3-5 awards.

Proposals should be submitted until April 1, 2021 to [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript].

The projects could start as early as May 1, 2021 and need to be completed by October 31, 2021. The maximum project duration is 6 months.

The call is open to all scientists involved in research of the Cluster of Excellence, including doctoral and postdoctoral scientists.