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MARUM / GLOMAR Courses 2020

To subscribe to any of the courses listed below, please fill in the respective registration form which can be found on the sub-pages describing the courses.

Courses written in italics are offered in cooperation with one of our partner institutions.

Any enquiries regarding the course programme should be addressed to [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript].



Course Topic

Lecturer(s) / Trainer(s)

Course Type*

March 25-27 Scientific Writing or How to publish in peer reviewed journals
online course
Dr. Gunther Tress BSM
30 Proposal Writing for Natural Scientists
(Day 1/4)
online course
Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln
Prof. Dr. Michael Schulz
June 8-15/
An Introduction to working with PaleoDataView
online course (+individual preparation)
Dr. Stefan Mulitza
Dr. Michael Langner
10 Pimp your MARUM web page
online course
Dr. Christina Klose TS
19 How to review a paper
online course
Dr. Gunther Tress BSM
25 How to get involved in science communication activities in marine sciences (in Bremen)
online short course
Ulrike Prange PE
26 Infoveranstaltung zum Quer-/Seiteneinstieg in das Lehramt
(From sci­ence to sec­ond­ary school - how to be­come a teacher in Ger­many) in German
online event
Ex­pert/​innen aus Schul­behörde, Zen­trum für Lehrer/​innen­bildung der Uni und aus der Praxis TS
June/July 30+1 Women and Career
online course
Dr. Karin Bodewits TS
July 22-23 Basics of science communication: Writing for the Media and the Public
online course
Ulrike Prange PE
August 24-25 Doctoral Thesis Workshop "Lifting off"
online course
Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln
Dr. Jan-Hendrik Hehemann
Dr. Christina Klose
Dr. Juliane Müller
31 Science as a story - how to improve your outreach and impact
online course
Dr. Denise Müller-Dum PE
September 2-4 How to Publish in Peer-Reviewed Journals
online course
Dr. Gunther Tress BSM
7 - 10 An Introduction to Programming in Python
online course
Dr. Robert Huber
Dr. Anusuriya Devaraju
21-22 Leadership Skills for Women in Science
online course
Dr. Laura Lazar TS
October 12-13 Poster presentation
online course
Dr. Karin Bodewits, Dr. Philipp Gramlich TS
14 Intercultural Competence at Work. Is international experience all it takes to work successfully across cultures?
online course
Susanne Dranaz TS
27 Good Scientific Practice
online course
Prof. Dr. Reinhard X. Fischer
Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln
Dr. Christina Klose
28-29 Sketchnoting in Science
online course
Janine Lancker TS
November 9-10 Confident Performance - Presentation Skills for Female Scientists
online course
Dr. Saskia Schottelius TS
16-17 What work­ing in the private sec­tor is really like or How to be more em­ploy­able out­side of aca­de­mia
online course
Dr. David Giltner TS
23-25 An Introduction to R (software use and code writing)
online course
Dr. Christiane Hassenrück BSM
December 2 Scientific Writing for Natural Scientists
(Day 1 / 5)
online course
Dr. Rebecca Rendle-Bühring BSM

*Course types: BK - Basic Knowledge
BSM - Basic Skills and Methods
TS - Transferable skills
SK - Specific Knowledge
OT - Overarching Topics
PE - Public Engagement / Science Communication