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Science as a story – how to improve your outreach and impact

Public Engagement / Science Communication Course

Dr. Denise Müller-Dum
Postdoc at Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP), University of Bremen GLOMAR alumna https://muellerdum.net/

Target group

Marine scientists with an interest in communicating (their) science to the public

Format and Schedule

The course will be given online via Zoom. Participants need a laptop or desktop computer incl. video conferencing tools (webcam, speaker/headphone) and a good internet connection. Participants are expected to turn on their cameras for the full duration of the course.

During the course, you will be encouraged to develop an idea for your own story. Afterwards, you can write a text at home and send it to the lecturer within 4 weeks after the course to receive some professional feedback.


The deadline for registration was 26 August 2020.

Any enquiries regarding the course programme should be addressed to [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript].