MARUM Supervision Workshop

Writing Recommendation Letters

Recommendation letters are an important tool for early career researchers to promote themselves to potential new employers or when applying for professional activities such as, for example, research stays or summer schools. In most cases, supervisors and mentors who are asked to write such a letter aim to write a positive letter that helps their protégé to be successful with their application – a task that can be quite challenging.

In this workshop, we would like to discuss questions like

  • What the letter should say and what it should not say
  • How to present a candidate truthfully but positively
  • How to write a “not-so-enthusiastic” letter
  • How to avoid gender and/or cultural bias
  • Cultural differences , e.g. between an (understated) northern European and an (overenthusiastic) American style

There will be some short lectures to provide some basis for the discussion. Among others, Prof. Dr. Gregor Eberli from the University of Miami followed our invitation to share his long-time experience in writing recommendation letters and his knowledge of cultural differences between Europe and the United States in this respect.

17 September 2019
09.30 - 12.30
GEO, room 3010

In order to be able to plan the resources for the workshop, we kindly ask you to send an e-mail to Tina Klose ( if you would like to participate.