MARUM Supervision Workshop

De­vel­op­ment of a Best-Prac­tice Guide for the Ment­or­ing and Su­per­vi­sion of Early-Stage Postdocs

The early Postdoc phase follows the PhD phase and usually comprises two years. Early-stage Postdocs often face the challenge of finishing their PhD project, handle their new Postdoc project and actively develop their career that will follow the first Postdoc.

While the support for PhD students has been well established in the past 10 years, with the start of the new Excellence Cluster, MARUM plans to improve its support efforts for Postdocs. One aspect of this support is to focus on those who are involved in supporting early-stage Postdocs in their daily work, who act as mentors. In order to ‘support the supporters’ we would like to provide the opportunity to discuss challenges of Postdoc supervision and to develop a ‘best practice guide’ that (a) may help the mentors and (b) will serve as a standard for early-career researcher support at MARUM.

19 May 2019
09.00 - 12.00
MARUM I, room 0190