navigare - Career Coaching for Women in Science

The coaching programme navigare addresses female early career researchers who consider a career in science. The main objective of the navigare coaching programme is to support women in framing their own career objectives and to help them prepare and position themselves for a successful (further) career.


For many people, there are several reasons to aim for a career as a scientist. Thrilling research, self-determined work content, international cooperations, and comparatively high flexibility – in the perception of many academics, these seem to be important criteria for a rewarding career. At the same time, early career scientists are often depended on short term contracts and are expected to be rather flexible in terms of mobility. This may be perceived to be a challenge, especially in terms of the private life.

At the University of Bremen, women make up 44% of the graduates in natural sciences and engineering, whereas only 14% hold a professorship in these fields. MARUM aims to address this imbalance by offering extra support to its female scientist through the navigare coaching programme which is developed and organized in cooperation with the office for equal opportunities at the University of Bremen.

The navigare coaching programme aims to professionalise women for their career management in science. Strategies introduced in navigare include a focus on special challenges that especially women might (have to) face in the scientific community. Participants will reflect on informal obstacles in women's careers and learn how to deal with them. Topics of the programme include

  • Individual career planning
  • Self-marketing
  • Networking
  • Communication and conflict management
  • Intercultural competences
navigare logo
woman scientist
woman scientist
women scientists


mentoring group

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The programme starts with a half-day workshop to inform about the programme and to help interested women to consider whether they would like to participate in navigare. Following this workshop, they have one week to decide before a binding registration needs to be completed.

Once registered, the one-year programme consists of 7 modules. Each of these ‘coaching days’, comprises lectures and interactive exercises providing the theoretical background on different aspects of personal and career development (see objectives). During the second half of the coaching days, participants will work on concrete situations and challenges they are facing in their own work context using the method of intervision.

In a final workshop, the participants will reflect on what they have accomplished with the navigare coaching programme, their plans for the future and possibly arrange for further self-organized meetings with the group of participants to continue with intervision.

see also detailed programme

Target group

navigare addresses female early career researchers (PhD students and Postdocs) who consider a career in science.

The programme is open to ECR from the DFG- funded Collaborative Research Centers (SFB) and Research Traning Groups (RTG) at the University of Bremen, MAPEX – Center for Materials and Processes, MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, the Excellence Cluster “The Ocean Floor – Earth’s Uncharted Interface”, and the Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences (GLOMAR).



As a participant in the navigare programme we ask you to have

  • An above-average commitment to devloping your career in science,
  • Self-responsibility for achieving your objectives,
  • A high motivation to learn within a group, and
  • An interest in reflecting gender biases in science.

Furthermore, you need to be able to participate in at least 75% of the coaching days (=5 days). Participation in the information and final workshops are essential.

Please check with Tina whether you are eligible for receiving funding for participation in navigare from MARUM.



Any questions about navigare should be directed to [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]