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Career Chat "Professorships in North America"

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Eva Kwoll
Prof. Dr. Eva Kwoll
Background: marine geosciences
Current position: assistant professor at University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada
At MARUM: from 2010 to 2015 as PhD student and postdoc

I am a coastal geomorphologists broadly interested in shallow-water sediment transport processes, with a particular focus on eco-geomorphological feedbacks between subaqueous vegetation and sediment transport. Before starting at UVic in 2017, I held a DFG Postdoctoral Fellowship at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada. At UVic, I run the Geomorphology of Coastal Systems (GECOS) Lab, which now maintains a nice set of hydro-acoustic and optical field instrumentation, including a terrestrial laser scanner and multi-beam echsounder for high-resolution topography measurements, and acoustic Doppler current profiler and other equipment to monitor flow and sediment transport. The Lab consists of a number of undergraduate (Honour’s), MSc, and PhD Students all working toward their own thesis projects, which mostly take place along the British Columbian and Alaskan coastline.

Nina Stark
Prof. Dr. Nina Stark
Background: geophysics, marine geotechnics
Current position: associate professor at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA
At MARUM: from 2007 to 2011 as PhD student and postdoc

My research is focused on geotechnical aspects of subaquatic sediment transport, infrastructure-seabed-interaction, and naval applications.

In my research group, we are currently working on 10 active research projects with field work stretching from Alaska to Virginia, and from Australia to Germany.

I did not consider academia as a long-term job until I applied for my current position, and now, I would not want to do anything else.

Meeting details:
Date: 9 May 2023
Time: 17.00 - ~ 18.30 hrs.
Format: online via Zoom
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