Career Chat with Dr. Jannis Kuhlmann

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Jannis Kuhlmann
(c) Birgit Wingrat
Background: marine geosciences
Current position: scientist in the field of marine protection
BUND - Friends of the Earth Germany, Bremen
At MARUM: from 2011 to 2021 as PhD student and postdoc

I was in science for about 15 years before I joined the marine protection office of the environmental NGO “Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland e.V. (BUND)”. My scientific education and work is closely linked to Bremen, with a focus on marine geodynamics and geophysics. During my Bachelor’s, I spent an Erasmus year in the beautiful Cádiz on the Andalusian coast, and my Master’s took me for another year to the University of Hamilton in New Zealand. Back in Bremen, I investigated submarine landslide activities off Sicily and the Hikurangi margin east of New Zealand, before managing a European training network with 15 PhD students.

At BUND, my job is all about marine protection at the intersection of ocean and climate. I mainly work in a project on the marine carbon cycle in the North Sea and the impact of human activities on the function of seafloor sediments as a carbon sink. Above all, my work is about improving the transfer between science, society and politics. This naturally includes the ‘classic’ scientific transfer in form of infographics, popular science texts and political recommendations for action. But it’s also about participation in thematic expert groups and engaging in dialogue with various stakeholders and decision-makers at national and international level. In other words, I make sure that marine nature conservation is not just an empty phrase.

Meeting details:
Date: 21 February 2023
Time: 17.00 - ~ 18.30 hrs.
Venue: Bremer Presseclub, Schnoor 27/28, 28195 Bremen
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