Career Chat with Dr. Stefan Wenau

Career Chat. Post-academic job perspectives.
Stefan Wenau
Background: geophysics
Current position: geophysicist at Fraunhofer IWES in Bremerhaven, Germany
At MARUM: from 2010 to 2019 as PhD student and member of GLOMAR and as postdoc

I started studying Geology/Paleontology at the Technical School of Mining and Technology in Freiberg in 2004 and finished with a BSc degree after spending an Erasmus year at the
University of Iceland. Afterwards I moved to Bremen for my MSc degree in Marine
Geosciences where I focused on geophysics and especially marine seismics. I stayed on at MARUM for a PhD dealing with seafloor methane seeps in the Lower Congo Basin and subsequently also for a postdoc project where I worked on real-time gas bubble detection using a multibeam echosounder for a new AUV. Afterwards I moved into near-surface marine seismics with a project on boulder detection in shallow sediments that the University of Bremen carried out together with Fraunhofer IWES.

Since the end of the project in 2019, I have been with the department of sub-surface investigations at Fraunhofer IWES where I manage and coordinate research projects, and also do some of the research work, as well as participate in industry projects. We work mostly in the geophysical and geotechnical characterization of wind farm areas that are used in foundation design and installation planning.

Meeting details:
Date: 14 December 2020
Time: 17.30 - 19.00
Format: online via Zoom
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