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MARUM Career Day 2024

Beyond the Ocean: Exploring Careers of Marine Scientists

5 April 2024

09.00 - 17.00 hrs.
MARUM I, room 2070


Expert Affiliation Position
Andrea Enzenbach ArcelorMittal
(steel industry)
modelling expert
David Fischer Projektträger Jülich
(public research funding organisation)
head of bioresources
Kerstin Kretschmer ams.Solution AG
(consultancy and software production)
application developer
Neele Meyer Klimahaus Bremerhaven
(science museum)
science communication officer
Carolin Müller German Marine Research Alliance (DAM)
(research network)
editor information portal
(company that develops and integrates AUVs)
head of techonolgy
Débora Raposo German Federation for Biological Data (GFBio)
(national initiative for the protection of research data)
project manager, postdoc in science policy
Leonardo Tamborrino planblue
(start-up for underwater habitat mapping)
product owner (geospatial)
Gabriele Trommer Wasserwirtschaftsamt Ansbach
(water management authority)
department head, technical supervisor of water bodies, biology
Gauvain Wiemer German Marine Research Alliance (DAM)
(research network)
data management and digitalisation



There will be a 30-minute slot with each of the experts - approx. 15 minute presentation and 15 minutes for questions and discussion.

Lecture titles:

Academia - hard as steel?
[Andrea Enzenbach]
From academia to research funding: switching to the dark side of the force
[David Fischer]
A climate modeler conquers the world of Enterprise Resource Planning
[Kerstin Kretschmer]
Curating climate change: science communication at the Klimahaus Bremerhaven
[Neele Meyer]
From sea to society: uniting marine research for impactful knowledge transfer
[Carolin Müller]
There and back again - the story of a geophysicist
[Benedict Preu]
Building bridges: linking molecular biology with science-policy in UN negotiations
[Débora Raposo]
Carbon dioxide removal, AI and offshore wind: not only industry hot topics but also the daily work of a marine geoscientist
[Leonardo Tamborrino]
Aquatic ecology in administration - water management and protection
[Gabriele Trommer]
Project management after academia: exploring marine gelogy for site conditions
[Yiting Tseng]
From Digging in the Dirt to Data management and Digitalisation
[Gauvain Wiemer]