Stratigraphic Methods and Age Models

MARUM / GLOMAR Basic Knowledge Course

Dr. Torsten Bickert1, Prof. Dr. Gesine Mollenhauer1, Dr. Stefan Mulitza1, Manuel Pérez Mayo2, Dr. Thomas Westerhold1

1 MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen
2 University of Bremen, Radioactivity Measurements Laboratory


12 - 14 March 2018
9.00 - 17.00 hrs. MARUM I, room 2070


Each participant will need a laptop with the following software:

We will provide laptops with the software installed on them. If you prefer to bring your own laptop, you are welcome to do so but you are re­spons­ible to make sure that your com­puter and the soft­ware are run­ning prop­erly by the be­gin­ning of the course.
During the course, support can only be given for laptops provided by us.


To register for this course, please fill in the registration form.

The registration deadline for this course is 5 March 2018.

Please note that your registration will be binding.

Any enquiries regarding the course programme should be addressed to [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript].