Statistics - An Introduction to Hypothesis Testing and Parameter Estimation (using R)

MARUM / GLOMAR Basic Skills and Methods Course

Prof. Dr. Dieter Wolf-Gladrow
Alfred Wegener Institute

Dr. Karin Boos
GLOMAR Associate Scientist, University of Bremen

Target group

Early career scientists with an interest in hypothesis testing and parameter estimation.



Basic knowledge of R is requested.

People who have no knowledge in R yet are strongly recommended to participate in the R introductory course which will be held on 11-12 January.


Part 1:

19 January 2016MARUM I, Room 207009.00 - 16.00
21 January 2016MARUM I, Room 207009.00 - 16.00
22 January 2016MARUM I, Room 207009.00 - 16.00

Part 2:

17 February 2016MARUM I, Room 207009.00 - 16.00
18 February 2016MARUM I, Room 207009.00 - 16.00
19 February 2016MARUM I, Room 207009.00 - 16.00

It is possible to participate in either one of the courses.

However, it is highly recommended that you have participated in Part 1 in order to follow Part 2!


The registration deadline for this course was 15 December 2015.
Please read the course description carefully before registering!

Any enquiries regarding the course programme should be addressed to [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript].