Project Management

Transferable Skills Course

Dr. Luisa Cristini
Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz center for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Bremerhaven

Target Group

Researchers who would like to learn how to apply project management principles to a wide variety of research projects from field trips to PhD or Postdoc projects up to large international collaborations.

Early career researchers will get a good grasp of the effort necessary to run scientific projects. You will learn how you can make your academic life easier from the start with smart, easy-to-use tools and templates.

Experienced research project managers may pick up some methods they haven’t been aware of to make their life as project managers easier. You are also invited to share and discuss your experiences during the course.

21 June 2019
09.30 - 13.30 hrs. MARUM I, room 2070

The registration deadline for this course was 19 June 2019.

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