Peer Group Paper Writing

Sometimes you get stuck while trying to write your paper and then trying to motivate yourself can become a real pain. While many early career researchers share this feeling, the reasons why you got stuck may vary. Maybe you are not confident with your data, maybe you have difficulties to tell the story you want to publish, maybe you are just tired because you have been busy with the same things for the past months or for some other reason.

To address this challenge, Peer Group Paper Writing can be a helpful tool. You meet with a small group of 3 or 4 other early career researchers who are trying to finnish their paper and benefit from each others’ experience and a ‘fresh’ outsider’s view on your research.
People who simply enjoy working in teams may like to join such a group as well!

If you are interested in finding / joining a paper writing peer group, we will assist in bringing you together, organising meetings and finding experts and experienced researchers who can share their knowledge to empower you to finnish that paper you want to submit.

peer group paper writing

Paper writing peer groups can be started and ended whenever you need them.

If you are interested to get involved, just send an e-mail to [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]