Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Xueqin Zhao

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Xueqin Zhao about her research stay at the University of Cape Town, South Africa from 15 January 2015 - 15 March 2015

I undertook my research stay from 15 January to 15 March 2015 in the group of Prof. Dr. Michael E. Meadows, at the Department of Environmental and Geographical Science, University of Cape Town. The primary aims of my research stay were: (1) to discuss and revise the first manuscript with Prof. Dr. Michael E. Meadows (one of the co-authors) and other colleagues in the group; (2) to write a second manuscript about the modern pollen distribution in the Namaqualand mudbelt; (3) to learn and identify more local pollen types with the pollen references in the group.

During the last two months at the University of Cape Town, I finished the second manuscript and was able to revise it with Prof. Dr. Meadows face to face. This helped me to get more idea about the manuscript writing and also improved my writing skill. Meanwhile, I was able to significantly improve the structure of my first manuscript and got better idea about how to revise it based on the discussion with Prof. Dr. Meadows and other colleagues.

Furthermore, I had a chance to attend a conference (AFQUA2015, The African Quaternary: environments, ecology and humans) and gave an oral presentation about my second manuscript. The conference was very great which focus on the Quaternary environmental change and human activities in Africa. I met lots of scientists from different countries and had many responses about my work. During the conference, we had a fieldtrip to the west coast of South Africa where I can saw the typical fynbos vegetation and the transition to Succulent Karoo vegetation, as well as many different archeological sites. After the conference, I took a workshop “Analysing palaeoecological data with R” given by Prof. Dr. Steve Juggins. This will be very helpful for both of my data analysis and graph making.

In summary, my research stay went very well with respect to the primary aims. Therefore, I would like to thank GLOMAR for the unique opportunity to work with and meet international scientists which is greatly benefited to my PhD project even my future career.
2-3m shell layer on the west coast of South Africa

2-3m shell layer on the west coast of South Africa

Jameson Hall and Jammie Plaza in upper campus, University of Cape Town

Jameson Hall and Jammie Plaza in upper campus, University of Cape Town