Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Peter Müller

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Peter Müller about his research stay at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) of the University of Miami, USA from 02 April – 28 June 2015

Thanks to the financial support by GLOMAR, I had the possibility to stay 3 months at the Stable Isotope Laboratory of Peter K. Swart at the University of Miami. The aim of my research stay was to use clumped isotope thermometry for reconstructing ancient environmental conditions recorded in bivalve shells and fish otoliths from archeological shell midden deposits along the NW African coast.

After receiving training on the CO2-purification line and the MAT 253 mass spectrometer, I was able to apply this new method on a variety of samples from my study site. Furthermore, we accomplished additional experimental work on the general applicability of clumped isotope thermometry in shell midden sclerochronology. The data generated during my stay will hopefully contribute to my second publication of my PhD and might also be the basis for future collaboration between our institutes.

During my stay at Peter Swart´s lab, I got the chance to extend my knowledge about stable isotope geochemistry and gathered an incredible amount of lab experience. Working with Peter and his enthusiastic team of technicians, PhD students as well as graduate and undergraduate students was always encouraging and highly motivating. Besides offering a great time at this well-known and inspiring place, the chance to broaden my expertise in stable isotope geochemistry will definitely be advantageous for my future scientific career.

I thank GLOMAR for giving me the opportunity for this research stay as it would not have been possible without the financial support of GLOMAR and I highly recommend such a research stay for every PhD student who is willing to take a look into how cutting edge science can work outside the University of Bremen.