Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Janna Köhler

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Janna Köhler about her research stay at the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, USA from 15 June – 5 September 2012

During my internship at the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST) at the University of Hawai‘i, I had the chance to work in the group of Prof. Glenn Carter, an expert in the field of vertical mixing and microstructure profiling. The measurement and analysis of very small scale vertical changes in temperature, salinity and velocity with a microstructure profiler is a very important technique in the field of vertical mixing and internal waves, as it provides a very direct way to estimate mixing intensities and its spacial distribution. It therefore yields an excellent basis for the development of theories for possible underlying mechanisms responsible for the generation of internal waves and associated vertical mixing. During my stay at the SOEST I worked with data from the microstructure profiler and gained valuable experiences in their processing and analysis which will be particularly helpful for me, as I will apply the underlying mathematical and physical principles in future work. In addition I also had the opportunity to participate in meetings, get to know many people working in my research field and I got an idea about the organizational structure and working atmosphere in an american scientific institute. The presentation of my own results in a seminar yielded interesting discussions and ideas for mechanisms resulting in the observed mixing patterns in my research area in the Deep Western Boundary Current at 16°N.

Besides to my stay at the SOEST which was possible due to the financial support of GLOMAR, I also had the chance to participate in a six weeks long research cruise with Prof. Carter in the Samoan passage. In this area Antarctic Bottom Water flows northward through a system of steep passages and interacts with the very rough topography leading to the generation of internal waves and very strong vertical mixing. This qualifies this region as an excellent study area for the generation mechanisms of internal waves and the associated vertical mixing. Scientists participating in this cruise not only came from the University of Hawai‘i but also from the Applied Physics Laboratory at the University of Washington. This gave me the opportunity to get in close contact to further very well known scientist working in the field of vertical mixing and internal waves, to get to know their instruments, their working perspectives and discuss my own work with them. Furthermore the cruise gave me the perfect chance to gain practical experiences in working with the microstructure profiler and the data processing.

Overall this internship was very valuable as I not only gained a lot of professional but also personal experiences. The techniques and theories I got to know will be very helpful for my further career and the experiences I made during this time will be valuable for future decisions. The insights into the organizational structure of american scientific institutes and the daily life in an american city added to the personal experiences. I am thankful that GLOMAR provided me with the financial support for my time at the SOEST.