Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Ines Heßler

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Ines Heßler about her research stay at the Department of Geography, University of Liverpool, UK, from 1 March - 28 May 2010

During my three months research stay at University of Liverpool I was given the opportunity to finish my thesis relevant Dinoflagellate Cysts (dino cyst’s) counting under supervision of Dr. Fabienne Marret, an expert in fossil tropical dino cyst’s. Since the marine sediments I used (ODP Site 1078, off Angola) were already prepared in Bremen I could spend the whole time concentrating on generating the data by counting. The initial training for identifying the different dino cyst species (about 30 for the given region and timeframe) was very efficient since Fabienne Marret is not only an expert on her field but also a very good and patient teacher. Apart from sitting in front of the microscope counting all day I also had the opportunity to attend a couple of seminars held at the institute, get to know both young and established scientist working at the University of Liverpool and get insight in their research covering various geoscientific aspects.

Eventually back in Bremen I can summarise and look back to the last three months only positively. Not only was I able to generate an interesting dataset which is crucial to complete my thesis, but I also made friends and contacts for possible future collaborations.