Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Guangchao Zhuang

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Guangchao Zhuang about his research stay at the University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA from 6 July - 3 September 2013

Jointly financed by GLOMAR and Prof. Samantha Joye, I had the great opportunity to conduct my summer internship at Department of Marine Sciences, University of Georgia, Athens, from July to August, 2013. Prof. Joye is an international expert in marine biogeochemistry, and especially reputed in biogeochemical cycle of methane. Her lab is well-equipped for microbial production and oxidation of methane study with radiotracer techniques. The aim of my research stay is to investigate the methanogenic activity from different possible substrates with the recently collected sediment from Northeastern Mediterranean Sea, and discuss with Prof. Joye how to interpret my existing data.

During the first week, I received some training and obtained the certificate to work in the radio lab. Then I started to help set up the system and analyze samples for methanogenesis rate under the supervision of Dr. Vladimir Samarkin, a very experienced research scientist in Joye Lab, who has worked in this field for more than 30 years. The incubation and rate measurement experiment with 400 samples are successfully accomplished, and the preliminary results were promising. Methanogenesis was detected from all the labelled substrates and high methanogenic activity were observed from 14-C labelled methanol and methylamine. In addition, I also had a fruitful discussion with Prof. Joye about the results, and she gave me some useful suggestions on the interpretation of the data.

In general, the short-term internship program was of great value for me, from which I gained important professional training. I am deeply convinced that my future research would benefit from the experience and lab work with radiotracer techniques. It was also my great pleasure to meet a number of nice colleagues there, Mandy, Vladimir, Lisa…I really enjoy the wonderful time there!