Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Christoph Häggi

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Christoph Häggi about his research stay at the Geoscience Department of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil from 30 September - 28 November 2015

Thanks to funding by GLOMAR graduate school, I was able to do a research stay in Brazil from September 30th to November 28th 2015. During that period of time I was hosted by the Geoscience Department of the University of Sao Paulo. The main aim of the research stay was to discuss data I obtained so far during my PhD studies with experts. On the one hand, I wanted to talk about my data on the transport of leaf-wax biomarkers in the Amazon River. On the other hand, I wanted to discuss biomarker based paleoclimate data, I obtained from a sediment core offshore the Amazon estuary. Furthermore, I had the opportunity to deepen my understanding of the sedimentological processes in the Amazon River by joining two fieldtrips to the Amazon Basin.

As planned, I met with experts and other researchers of the project I'm working in, while I was staying at the University of Sao Paulo. During the discussions, I got new, sometimes surprising perspectives and received inspiring ideas. In the framework of a regular science seminar, I was also able to present my research to a broader scientific audience at the Geoscience Department and to receive further feedback. Besides that, I had the opportunity to attend a symposium of a FAPESP/NSF project, where geoscientists and ornithologists collaborate to study the environmental history of the Amazon. This was especially interesting for me, since some of the long standing paradigms in paleoclimate research in the Amazon are derived from considerations made by ornithologists. The two field trips to the Amazon Basin added greatly to my understanding of the processes governing sediment transport in the Amazon and thus gave me new valuable ideas for a manuscript currently under preparation.

Overall, my research stay in Sao Paulo was an interesting and rewarding experience for me. I, very much enjoyed the hospitality of my hosts at the University of Sao Paulo and was able to learn a lot of new things about the Amazon River and to establish new contacts with colleagues from Brazil. In that regard the field trips to the Amazon where of special avail.