Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Benedict Preu

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Benedict Preu about his research stay at Servicio de Hidrografia de Naval, Buenos Aires, Argenitina, from 15 June - 16 July 2010

Thanks to GLOMAR, which provided me financial support, I had the chance to stay one month at the ‘Servicio de Hidrografia de Naval’ in Buenos Aires.

As a federal and military facility the ‘Servicio de Hidrografia de Naval’ works since decades in Argentine waters. Next to the preparation of nautical charts, high-resolution studies are conducted to determine the general and small-scale ocean circulation patterns off Argentina as well as sediment dynamics and deposition patterns. In the last years, a new department was formed, which represents the geoscientific fraction of COPLA (Comisión Nacional del Límite Exterior de la Plataforma Continental), which works on the extension of the exclusive economic zone of Argentina.

During my stay I worked closely with Dr. Roberto Violante, who is leading the geological department of the institute, and Dr. C. Marcelo Paterlini, who is leading the geoscientific department of COPLA. Furthermore, during the first two weeks Javier Hernández Molina (Universidad de Vigo) was at the ‘Servicio de Hidrografia de Naval’ and contributed substantially to the scientific work. We compared the seismo-acoustic data sets collected during R/V Meteor Cruise M78/3 with the data of the ‘Servicio de Hidrografia de Naval’, to cross-correlate the seismo-stratigraphic interpretation and to develop a general idea about the slope architecture. With the help of Dr. Alberto Piola, who is well noted for his oceanographic work in the Southern Atlantic and works at the ‘Servício de Hídrografia Naval’ as well, morphological incisions along the margin and terraces could be linked to the dynamics of distinct water masses.

Additionally, I visited ANCAP (Administración Nacional de Combustibles, Alcoholes y Portland) in Montevideo, Uruguay. ANCAP possesses a dense grid of deep multichannel seismic data in the study area, collected for industrial purposes. During the stay in Montevideo I was allowed to work with this data set and continued tracing major acoustic units from the north of Argentinian waters further to the Uruguayan margin.

Overall, my research stay abroad was very successful and I was able to socialize with the South American colleagues. At last, I would like to thank next to GLOMAR Dr. Roberto Violante, C. Marcelo Paterlini, Alberto Piola, Juan Tomasini (ANCAP) and Javier Hernández Molina for their support before, during and after my visit to Argentina.