Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Roger Spranz

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Roger Spranz about his participation in a Bahasa Indonesian Language Course, Indonesia, October - December 2013

I arrived in Indonesia the end of July 2013 to conduct the field research for my PhD Project “Reducing the consumption of plastic bags in Indonesia”. The first two months I focused on setting up the first natural field experiment. After the successful conduction of that experiment I started with the qualitative interviews and along with that the Bahasa Indonesia language class in October. The recommendations about a high quality language school teaching Bahasa Indonesia which I could retrieve back in Germany were confirmed by further people I asked once I had arrived. Everybody mentioned “Cinta Bahasa” as the best choice.

I started my first classes in October 2013. Pak Yasa, a Balinese, became my new Indonesian teacher with whom I wanted to bring my Indonesian language skills to the next level. He quickly helped me to recover my previously learned Bahasa skills and together we set the goals for the upcoming months. I wanted to be able to conduct interviews in respect to my qualitative research in my informants’ mother tongue and also exchange with the student assistants who would help me with further field experiments in Indonesian. Moreover, I wanted to better understand texts in Indonesian.

The approach Pak Yasa took, helped me quickly to improve my Indonesian communication skills. More than anything he made me speak about my research topic. This way the crucial vocabulary step by step has become larger and it became much easier to express what I wanted to say in Indonesian. From time to time he incorporated grammatical issues that were new to me and which helped me to better understand written text but also express myself more appropriately.

Besides the oral communication, the second big learning complex we targeted was understanding written Indonesian. Pak Yasa and also myself have brought articles on waste, environment, Balinese culture – all relevant to my research – to class, where he assisted me with understanding written Indonesian more thoroughly. I also worked with Pak Yasa on material form interviews (audio and video). Together we discussed the information I had received before, a very effective way on improving my language skills in the frame of my research. As an extra entertaining way to allow my language skills to develop further, he also provided further text and video clips in Indonesian language to me.

Pak Yasa from Cinta Bahasa has helped me to improve my Indonesian quickly and effectively and thereby make a major contribution to the successful conduction of my research. This has only been possible due to the generous support I received from GLOMAR. Therefore I would like to express my sincere gratitude to GLOMAR and especially to Christina Klose and Dierk Hebbeln.

Thank you very much! ….. Terima kasih banyak!