Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Gökce Tuba Masur

Report of GLOMAR PhD Gökce Tuba Masur about her participation in the Börno Summer School at the Börno Station, Sweden, from 30 July to 12 August 2017.

Bornö Station is a marine research station built by two Swedish marine researchers, Gustaf Ekman and Otto Pettersson, in 1902 on the island of Stora Bornö. The complex has hosted many famous marine researchers in its history and is used for organizations related to environmental and climate subjects nowadays. Also, the universities of Copenhagen and Gothenburg offers the summer school in Bornö Station.

As a PhD student who do not have any geophysical fluid studies in her background, this summer school was a great opportunity for me to warm up myself with theoretical and implementation parts of the subject in these two intensive weeks. Until noon, we learnt theoretical side of oceanic waves and got familiar with some main papers in oceanic flows, while the coding based application of the theory took place during afternoon. The courses covered many interesting topics including time series analysis, equatorial and boundary layer currents and more. At the end of each week, group presentations took place to discuss and analyse our simulations with professors and our friends in that sincere environment.

During these two weeks, besides studies, we have explored the island which is only hosting Bornö station on, got some experience in sailing, and also enjoyed campfire and music while getting to know to each other and different cultures. Moreover, bioluminescence was one of the fascinating sides of this beautiful island.