Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Nele Behrendt

Report of Glomar PhD Student Nele Behrendt about her participation in the HOTMUD Workshop on Mud Volcanism and Petroleum Systems between the 12-16 September 2019 in Baku, Azerbaijan.

The first official summer school on ‘Mud Volcanism and Petroleum Systems’ took place in Baku, (Azerbaijan), from 12 to 16 September 2019. Workshops and fieldwork were organized by scientists from different institutions in the framework of the HOTMUD project (From hydrothermal systems to mud volcanoes: Planet-scale impacts of piercements in sedimentary basins) financed by the Research Council of Norway.

The summer school was composed of one day of lectures at the Oil and Gas Institute in Baku and was followed by four days of field trips. The main objectives of the field trips were different mud volcanoes in the surroundings of Baku. Overall, scientists from seven countries attended the summer school.

The aim of the summer school was to learn about mud volcanism and related processes as well as networking of scientist from research institutes in different countries. The exchange of knowledge through lectures and discussions in the field was one of the main outcomes of the summer school. It was a great opportunity to meet scientist in different stages of their scientific careers and to get ideas and insights from different perspectives.

During the first day of the field trip we visited outcrops of the source and reservoir rocks as well as the gas seepage Yanar Dag and the geologic background of the area was discussed. In the following three days five mud volcano structures were explored. Information about the different morphologies and features of mud volcanoes given at the lectures were reviewed and deepened during the field trips.

My personal achievement of the summer school was the broadening of my knowledge of the formation of mud volcanoes and their related processes in general. I can recommend this summer school to anyone who works on mud volcanism and its related processes. Especially the contact with other scientist with a similar field of interest was beneficial in terms of networking. The organizers (Adriano Mazzini, CEED; Ayten Huseynova, OGI and Grigorii Akhmanov, MSU) are planning to repeat the summer school every year.

Nele in front of an active gryphon at the Bakhar Satellite MV.
Nele in front of an active gryphon at the Bakhar Satellite MV.
Crater-like morphology of Bakhar Satellite MV
Crater-like morphology of Bakhar Satellite MV with typical features of mud volcanism: three Gryphons (middle) and a pool (right) inside the crater structure.
breccia flow of the Koturdag mud volcano
Most recent breccia flow of the Koturdag mud volcano: the mud breccia flow forms a tongue consisting of super compacted material which moves slowly forward.