Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Nadine Goldenstein

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Nadine Goldenstein about her participation in the PhD course in Aquatic Microbial Molecular Ecology at SDU, Odense, Denmark, 3 - 23 August 2013

In August, 2013 I participated in the Aquatic Microbial Molecular Ecology (AMME) summer course at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) in Odense. The course included theoretical training in biogeochemistry taught by Prof. Dr. Erik Kristensen and Prof. Dr. Ronnie N. Glud as well as lectures on molecular techniques held by Prof. Dr. Alexander H. Treusch. Therein, the focus of the lessons was on the ecology of marine microbial systems. The lectures took place every morning, followed by instruction sessions in the lab that enabled us to independently perform the experiments.

For practical training purposes on the first Sunday of the course sediment cores were taken at two different sites: Fællestrand, an oligotrophic, marine bight at the northern typ of the isle of Fyn, and Kærby Fed, a eutrophic bight, close to the mouth of the Odense river. In the following weeks the cores, stored at in-situ-like conditions, were used to perform different kinds of analyses to investigate DNA-based prokaryote diversity as well as population dynamics and energetics, including carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, iron, and silica biogeochemistry. Like this we learned to perform a variety of laboratory techniques and, thereafter, were instructed in calculating diverse parameters from the raw data. Results from this comparison study were, on the last day, presented by the individual lab teams and a written report has to be handed in within 1 month after the course.

Besides the excellent training in marine microbial ecology, I enjoyed being involved in the daily routine of the faculty, including seminar talks and social activities. Working in a team with other PhD students, contributing a variety of expertises, additionally improved the skills I acquired during the course and helped to establish new relations with scientists from several countries.

I thank GLOMAR a lot for funding this summer school, providing fundamental knowledge in marine microbial ecology for the beginning of my PhD project. Additionally, I thank GLOMAR for the valuable experience of living abroad and the possibility to establish collaborations with an international network that will be fruitful for my scientific career.