Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Luisa Cristini

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Luisa Cristini about her participation in the 7th 7th International NCCR Climate Summer School "Key challenges in climate variability and change" at the Centro Stefano Franscini in Ticino, Switzerland, 31 August - 5 September 2008

Luisa Cristini to participated in the 7th International NCCR Climate Summer School "Key challenges in climate variability and change" which took place at the Centro Stefano Franscini in Ticino (Switzerland) from August, 31st to September, 5th.

The National Centre of Competence in Research on Climate (NCCR Climate) is Switzerland's centre of excellence in climate and climate impact research. It is based in Bern, Switzerland, and it was established in 2001 with the aim of better understanding the climate system by carrying out interdisciplinary research on its variability and its potential for change. The NCCR Climate is a scientific network bringing together researchers from 13 partner institutions, including the University of Bern and ETH Zurich, both prominent climate research institutions.

To encourage exchanges between Ph.D. students, Post-Docs and leading climate researchers, the NCCR Climate has created the "International NCCR Climate Summer School", which has become a highly appreciated opportunity to share scientific ideas and create cross-disciplinary links. The Summer School was open to young researchers worldwide for a maximum of 70 participants.

The school program included a total of 13 lectures, 6 poster sessions, 4 workshops, 5 groups of discussion and a half-day hike including a visit at the MeteoSwiss in Locarno.
The lectures topics covered pertinent aspects of climate physics and dynamics, extreme events, climate phenomena and processes from seasonal to centennial time ranges, assessment of predictability and approaches to operational prediction, associated impacts of climate change and climate variability. The lecturers were professors from international institutions such as the ECMWF (EU), the University of East Anglia (UK), the University of Reading (UK) and the MIT (USA) as well as Swiss institutions like the University of Bern, the ETH Zurich, the MeteoSwiss and the Swiss Reinsurance Company.
The four parallel workshops included practical applications of climate analysis and prediction, chaos pendulum, observations with MW radiometry and IR cam and natural catastrophes loss modeling.
The working groups were a nice opportunity for discussion on general aspects of climate topics such as climate of the past, climate uncertainties and extremes, modeling and scientific communication while the poster sessions have been very useful for exchanging ideas and get suggestions.

The whole conference gave me an enormous amount of scientific inputs and the unique opportunity for a direct and deep contact with the expertise and interest of the other participants and teachers, always willing to have a friendly chat in any free moment. I strongly recommend this summer school to all the GLOMAR students, as wonderful scientific and human chance!