Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Ilmar Leimann

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Ilmar Leimann about his participation in the "International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly" in Berlin, Germany from 11 to 20 July 2023

Participating in the IUGG 2023 conference in Berlin afforded an exceptional opportunity to establish connections with scientists from diverse disciplines and regions across the globe. Through presentations, posters, and conversations, the conference provided a forum for the exchange of information and ideas. I was able to engage with researchers in my area through networking and learn about their research, problems, and accomplishments. Attending the Ocean Mixing Frontiers session allowed me to interact with experts working on related subjects. I had the opportunity to discuss my work with professionals in the field, receiving valuable input that will help enhance my study.

The poster session was one of the conference's highlights. It was an amazing opportunity to share my study and engage in discussions with other researchers who showed a keen interest in my findings. I received great input from specialists in the subject, which assisted me in refining my ideas and identifying potential future study possibilities. In addition, I got the opportunity to attend workshops on several oceanographic themes, like as the Meridional Overturning Circulation and Arctic Ocean Physics and Biochemistry in a Changing Climate. These seminars gave me excellent insights into the multidisciplinary aspect of oceanography, and I learned about new ideas and techniques that I may potentially apply in my study. Aside from academic gains, networking enabled me to form personal bonds with other scientists. Meeting individuals from other cultures and origins allowed me to broaden my social and professional network. These contacts have the potential to lead to future partnerships, collaborative initiatives, or career possibilities.

Furthermore, meeting fellow academics outside of official sessions helped me to create relationships and locate people with similar interests and goals. The conference site, Berlin, offered an ideal atmosphere for scientific interaction and networking. With its cultural and historical attractions, as well as rich food, the dynamic city provided a terrific environment for scientific discussions. As a whole, participating the IUGG 2023 conference was a worthwhile experience that allowed me to communicate my research, learn about various research topics, and broaden my professional and personal network.

Finally, attending the IUGG conference was a rewarding experience that allowed me to network with experts from all around the world, learn about new research fields and multidisciplinary techniques, and make crucial personal and professional contacts. I'd like to thank GLOMAR for supporting all aspects of my attendance at the conference, since I would not have been able to attend the conference and benefit from the experiences and contacts I gained if it had not been for the support they provided.