Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Vera Meyer

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Vera Meyer about her participation in the International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG) 2015 in Prague, Czech Republic from 13 – 18 September 2015

From September 13th to September 18th I attended the International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG). The IMOG is biannual conference for organic geochemists from industry and academia. This year it was held in the city of Prague, Czech Republic. About 500 people attended the meeting and approx. 80 talks and 300 posters were presented. The presentations addressed the broad spectrum of organic geochemistry, including petroleum chemistry, biogeochemistry and the application of organic proxies in paleoclimatology and archaeometry.

As my PhD-project falls in the field of paleoclimatology I was mainly interested in the sessions addressing paleoclimatology and archaeometry. Also, the posters and talks addressing the applicability of organic proxies were of interest since I apply several organic proxies such as branched and isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraetheres (GDGTs), stable hydrogen isotopes of leaf-wax lipids and the radiocarbon activity of terrigenous biomarkers for paleoenvironmental reconstructions.

My own contribution was a poster presenting my GDGT-based reconstruction of the sea surface temperature development in the Northwest Pacific and the Bering Sea during the last 20 ka. During my poster-session I had a lot of fruitful discussion about the applicability of GDGT-based proxies. I also had interesting discussions with scientists who work in the same study area. By comparing my findings with their results I obtained several new ideas of how to interpret my data and how to proceed with my PhD project.

I also enjoyed the social aspects of the conference very much. I met many new people from all over the world and was able to make several new contacts. I also met many PhD students that I had already known from previous meetings, summer schools and my undergraduate studies. It was a pleasure to talk to these people again and to spend the evenings with them.

In conclusion the meeting was an ideal place to discuss my work with people from the same field of research. I obtained a good overview of the ongoing research in the broad field of organic geochemistry and I was able to make several new contacts. I thank GLOMAR very much for the financial support which made it possible for me to attend the conference.