Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Thomas Mann

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Thomas Mann about his participation in the GeoFrankfurt2014 conference, Frankfurt a.M, Germany, 21 - 24 September 2014

This year´s joint Meeting of GV, DGG and PalGes was held at the Campus Westend of the Goethe-University in Frankfurt/Main. The title of the conference was “Earth System dynamics” and accordingly, the sessions covered a broad range of areas with a geological context. About 700 participants contributed to more than 300 talks in parallel sessions and 170 poster presentations. A special aspect this year was the annual general meeting on 23 September, where the fusion of the GV and DGG was adopted by a large majority of its members.

In my Ph.D. project, I examine the influence of sea-level changes on reef island evolution. Most islands studied so far indicate that the initiation of island build-up was related to a mid-Holocene sea-level highstand in the aftermath of the last glaciation. Within the session “ Carbonate systems: recorders of environmental change”, I presented a poster entitled “Halimeda segments as potential tracer for reef island evolution“. On this poster, I explained a new approach to track the early stages of island initiation and how to relate the results to the ambient sea-level history. Furthermore, I had the opportunity to meet colleagues from the times during my studies and to get to know scientists that deal with similar topics as I do.

I would very much like to thank GLOMAR for the financial support.