Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Simon Jungblut

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Simon Jungblut about his participation in the 50th European Marine Biology Symposium in Helgoland, Germany from 20 – 25 September 2015

Funding through GLOMAR enabled me to participate in the 50th European Marine Biology Symposium EMBS on the island of Helgoland. This symposium was funded to be a major meeting for European marine biologists. Indeed, also researchers from all over the world can participate.

On the symposium I presented a poster entitled “The occurrence of the invasive Asian shore crab in the German Bight – Coexistence or displacement?” The poster was well noticed during the two poster sessions. People from The Netherlands where the Asian shore crab is already well established asked about its status in the German Bight and people from Scandinavia were interested in my expectations concerning its invasion capacities in the Baltic Sea. During both poster sessions, I spoke to numerous people and on both occasions, I was among the last people leaving the poster hall after the session.

The most interesting and surprising acquaintance was meeting Dr Andrew M. Lohrer who was conducting his PhD on the same topic as I do. I know his research on the Asian shore crab at the US east coast quite well and we had an interesting conversation, sharing our experiences about the invader.

Besides the poster session sessions with oral presentations were interesting as well. One session was entitled “How invasive is the future”. In contrast to my expectations, the spectrum of presentation topics was relatively balanced. Thus I can recommend future EMBS to both, researchers in benthic and pelagic fields.

Overall, participating at the EMBS conference was a valuable experience. All events including coffee breaks and conference dinner resulted in interesting encounters. In such a nice atmosphere, I was able to deepen already existing contacts but also establish new ones. Many thanks to GLOMAR, which enabled me to participate an even better conference than I thought in the beginning.