Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Shuwen Sun

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Shuwen Sun about his participation in the International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG) 2015 in Prague, Czech Republic from 13 – 18 September 2015

First of all, I would like to thank GLOMAR for providing me with the financial support to attend the 27th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG 2015), which is held in Prague, Czech Republic from 13-18 September, 2015.

The IMOG is held every two years since 1962 and it is the largest meeting for researchers and scientists in the field of organic geochemistry. As a PhD student in organic geochemistry, it was a very enriching experience for me to participate in this conference. There were more than 500 participants from all over the world presenting their research results. During the 5 days program, more than 80 oral and 400 poster presentations showed the research results related to the fields of Petroleum Geochemistry to Biogeochemistry. Except for the plenary talks, which were scheduled in the morning, the poster sessions and oral presentations were divided into different sessions covering diverse subjects, such as paleoclimate, soil biogeochemistry, lipids and petroleum systems etc. The most interesting sessions for me were ‘Lipids’ and ‘Paleoclimate’ sessions in the oral presentations and ‘Paleoclimate and Paleoenvironment’ session in the poster presentations. The subjects in these sessions let me know what the hotspot issues are and inspired me to think about my future research interests.

At IMOG 2015, I presented a poster entitled ‘Origin and processing of terrestrial particulate organic carbon in the Amazon system: lignin phenols in river, shelf and fan sediments’. My poster was in the session ‘Earth and Life History’ on Monday. During my poster session, I discussed my results with several scientists who also work on lignin phenols. And they recommended me a potential method to improve the measurement of the stable isotopic composition of lignin phenols. I also met the PhD student from the group where I will conduct my research stay. He shared his experience with pretreatment of samples for 14C dating of bulk organic carbon with different instruments and methods.

Altogether, the IMOG 2015 truly benefited me in many different aspects. I greatly appreciate the financial support provided by GLOMAR to allow me to take part in this important meeting.