Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Sebastian Hammerschmidt

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Sebastian Hammerschmidt about his participation in the European Geosciences Union General Assembly , Vienna, Austria, 29 - 30 April 2014

Thanks to GLOMAR, I was able to participate on the EGU General Assembly 2014. I could only attend the second and third day (29 – 30 April), but these proved to be very valuable. Like every year, the venue of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly was the Austria Center Vienna. In total, 12,437 participants from 106 countries contributed to this multidisciplinary conference with 4,829 oral and 9,583 poster presentations. Similar to the AGU, any topic related to geosciences was covered. Participating in the EGU General Assembly 2014 thus allowed a comprehensive insight in recent advances of the individual disciplines.

My conference contribution, a poster entitled “Influence of drilling operations on drilling mud gas monitoring during IODP Exp. 338 and 348”, was presented on the second day, in the session “EuroForum 2014: Major achievements and perspectives in scientific ocean and continental drilling”. The poster showed recent collaborative work with experts from the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) in Yokohama, Japan, and the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) in Potsdam, Germany. Despite the very technical topic, the poster raised a lot of interest, and received some valuable comments from experts from the field of riser drilling and drilling mud gas monitoring. Also, it was great to re-connect to people from IODP Expeditions 338 and 348, and to see the current status of their post-cruise research.

Beside the abovementioned session, I really enjoyed the contributions related to the EGU disciplinary sessions of “Energy, Resources and the Environment”. Particularly the sessions “Recent advances in petroleum exploration and production” and “Unconventional hydrocarbon resources: advances and new technologies” were excellent, and hosted some highly interesting oral and poster presentations.

In summary, although it was only a short trip, being at this year’s EGU General Assembly was a great asset. I gained a lot of insight into actual research related to the IODP (Integrated Ocean Drilling / International Ocean Discovery Program) and the ICDP (International Continental Drilling Program), and the technical discussions were very beneficial. At the same time, it was great meeting up with old friends and former colleagues. Without GLOMAR, it would have been impossible to attend this conference, and I greatly appreciated the financial support.