Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Nathalie Hoeppner

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Nathalie Höppner about her participation in the Goldschmidt Conference 2017 in Paris, France from 13 to 18 August 2017

The Goldschmidt conference is the biggest geochemistry conference worldwide. It takes place every year, in odd-numbered years in a European country and in even-numbered years in a non-European country. This year over 4000 participants from more than 50 countries took part in 200 sessions concerning geochemistry and related topics.

Goldschmidt was my first big conference. The amount of topics and sessions was very fascinating and partly overwhelming at the same time. There was definitely not enough time to see everything I was interested in. I had the opportunity to present part of my PhD thesis as an oral presentation with the title “Holocene provenance shift of suspended particulate matter in the Amazon river basin” in the session “Novel and Traditional Proxies for Sedimentary Provenance Studies: From High-Resolution Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Isotopes to Integrating-Multidisciplinary Approach”. The talk was a very good experience and I made some useful connections with other scientists, which are also studying the Amazon River basin.

Besides the regular oral and poster sessions I attended one of the programs tailored especially for Early Career Scientist, a panel on “Non Academic Careers for Geoscientists” that I found very useful. Presenters were for example an employee from Thermo Fisher Scientific, a young editor from Nature or an employee of the EAG (European Association of Geochemistry). Furthermore, I very much enjoyed the “Goldschmidt Wild Orbit Cinema”. Prior to the conference scientists could submit a short movie about geochemistry and the best 20 films were shown every lunch break. A jury elected the three best ones and the audience could choose an additional audience winner. I hope this event will become a regular one at the Goldschmidt. I might try to hand in a short science film next year myself.

The ‘Palais des Congrès de Paris’ was a nice and spacious hosting location. Overall, the conference was a valuable and impressive experience. I would like to thank GLOMAR for the financial support.