Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Peter Müller

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Peter Müller about his participation in the 4th International Sclerochronology Conference in Portland, USA from 5 - 9 June 2016

Thanks to the financial support of Glomar, I was able to attend the 4th International Sclerochronology Conference from June 5 - 9 2016 in Portland, ME, USA. The International Sclerochronology Conference is a rather small (100-150 attendees) but extremely focused conference about all kinds of proxy records derived from incrementally growing calcifiers such as corals, mollusks or fish otoliths. Given its small size, there were no parallel sessions which allowed following the very diverse range of presentations covering a wide range from paleoclimate reconstructions deep in earth history to ecological applications of high resolution ontogenetic proxy signatures from e.g. fish otoliths in fisheries biology. Therefore, it represented a unique opportunity to present my work to the relevant scientific community within a very constructive and open atmosphere.

My talk focusing on the applications of clumped isotopes in shell midden sclerochronology was successful and despite very constructive and helpful input for the related publication, I received the runner-up best talk price of the conference. Alongside the entire conference, I was able to discuss my and other scientist’s results in a very open and stimulating atmosphere which makes the sclerochronology conference an outstanding experience compared to other larger conferences such as EGU, AGU etc. A fieldtrip focusing on the glacial deposits along the coastline of Maine complemented the interesting talk and poster sessions.

Overall, the 4th International Sclerochronology Conference provided very interesting insights into all aspects of sclerochronology and attending this conference allowed me to extend my scientific network. Thus, I gratefully acknowledge financial support provided by GLOMAR, which allowed me to attend this stimulating conference.