Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Nora Schulze

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Nora Schulze about her participation in the annual meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2017 at the Suntec City Convention Center, Singapore from 6 to 11 August 2017

From the 6th to 11th of August I attended the annual meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS). It was held in Singapore in the Suntec City Convention Center.

The 14th AOGS meeting comprised 142 sessions in the fields of Atmospheric Sciences, Biogeosciences, Hydrological Sciences, Interdisciplinary Geosciences, Ocean Sciences, Planetary Sciences, Solar & Terrestrial Sciences, and Solid Earth Sciences. Henceforth, the AOGS brings together geoscientists from all fields, whose working areas are mainly spread around Asia. The sessions were held in parallel distributed in 14 rooms which surrounded the poster display area and the exhibition area.

The contributions were timed for 15 minutes each, which allowed the attendance to selected talks in different sessions. There was enough time for visiting posters and getting to know their respective authors during the coffee breaks and daily poster sessions.

Besides the Solid Earth Sessions, I attended various talks in the Atmospheric and Hydrologic sciences. I did not only learn about ongoing research on monsoon variability or climate modelling, I also got new perspectives about water balance in lakes on the Tibetan Plateau which is of direct interest to my studies.

Moreover, I had the chance to listen to a distinguished lecture about the ‘Impact of Fault Geometry on Megathrust Ruptures’ by Dr. Judith Hubbard. She is a member of the Earth Observatory in Singapore and studies fault behaviors and geometries among others in the Himalayans.

I was given the chance to present my PhD work as a poster presentation entitled ‘Preliminary Results from an ICDP Pre-Site Seismic Survey on Nam Co for Late Quaternary Paleoclimatic Studies on the Tibetan Plateau’ on Thursday. I got valuable feed­back regarding my ongoing research from senior scientist and especially from researchers at the Earth Observatory of Singapore, with whom I was hoping to get into discussion.

In summary, taking part in this meeting was a great experience for me as the first big international conference. This gave me a great opportunity to meet scientists, valuable for my future research at Lake Nam Co and to extend my scientific network. Therefore, I give my thanks to GLOMAR for their financial support, which enabled me to attend this conference.