Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Nicole Herrmann

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Nicole Herrmann about her participation in the GeoFrankfurt2014 conference, Frankfurt a.M, Germany, 21 - 24 September 2014

The conference GeoFrankfurt 2014 – Earth System Dynamics took place in Frankfurt/Main. The conference is a yearly joint meeting of DGG (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften), DGG (Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft), GV (Geologische Vereinigung), PalGes (Paläontologische Gesellschaft) and SEPM-CES which varies with respect to location. GeoFrankfurt covered a large spectrum of disciplines like paleoclimatology, sedimentology or geophysics and more than 800 scientists participated with around 250 talks and 200 posters.

Within my PhD project I am using lipid biomarkers to reconstruct paleoenvironmental changes in Southern Africa during the Holocene. Therefore, the most interesting sessions for my research were “marine and lacustrine sediments as environmental archives” and “terrestrial paleoclimate archives”. I had the chance to present and discuss my work in a talk entitled “Holocene vegetation and hydrological changes in the Orange River catchment, Southern Africa” within the session “marine and lacustrine sediments as environmental archives”. The conference was a good opportunity to network with other scientists who are using the same methods in their studies. Altogether, the conference and the discussions with other scientist gave me new ideas for my project.

I want to thank GLOMAR for the financial support to participate at the GeoFrankfurt2014.
Nicole Herrmann

Goethe University Frankfurt

Frankfurt City Hall

Frankfurt City Hall

Frankfurt Main

The River Main

Frankfurt Uni

Goethe University Frankfurt