Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Nicole Herrmann

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Nicole Herrmann about her participation in the International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG) 2015 in Prague, Czech Republic from 13 – 18 September 2015

The International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG) took place in Prague (Czech Republic). About 440 participants presented their work in about 80 oral and 380 poster presentations. The IMOG spans a broad range of topics in organic geochemistry, both in academia and industry. These topics range from oil and gas geochemistry to microbial synthesis of lipid biomarker, new approaches in analytical methods, application and paleoclimatic investigations.

I presented a poster entitled “brGDGT distribution in southern African soils and their environmental controls” in the Paleoclimate session. My presentation triggered interesting discussions with respect to the study area, the applicability of branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs) as temperature proxy as well as new analytical approaches of brGDGTs. The posters were displayed the whole time during the conference, which allowed additional discussions outside the poster sessions. Besides the brGDGTs, I was also interested in sessions that deal with the application of long-chain n-alkanes and their compound-specific isotopes, which is also a major part of my PhD. Furthermore, the conference gave a good opportunity to meet scientists who work in a partner project of my project “Regional Archive for Integrated iNvestigations” (RAiN,, within the framework of SPACES (Science Partnership for the Assessment of Complex Earth System Processes,, and to exchange latest results.

Besides the scientific part, social events were another highlight of the conference that gave a good opportunity to get in contact with other scientists in a relaxed atmosphere. Altogether, I greatly benefit from attending the IMOG conference. I want to thank GLOMAR for the financial support to participate at the IMOG 2015.
Nicole Herrmann IMOG
Vltava River with the view of the Charles Bridge and the Prague Castle

Vltava River with the view of the Charles Bridge and the Prague Castle